Gather Network Mercury Mainnet Released

Mercury—Gather’s own blockchain’s 1st Mainnet has been released.
This first release will initiate Gather’s core product, Gather Online with its primary function to allow publishers to integrate it into their websites to generate revenue.
The initial onboarding and integrations will be in batches to avoid any issue that may rise due to high demand. For the first 2 weeks, Gather allows limited publisher to have access on the live product.
Gather has also removed the fees associated with the registration only for a limited period of time, while new publishers are welcome to sign up immediately
Gather Online is a new way for businesses to monetize online. It allows publishers to monetize without ads, providing businesses and developers access to cheap and reliable processing power.
Gather Online brings 1.4x revenue compared to the current advertising rates. The longer the session lengths are, the higher the revenue that publishers would generate.
ABOUT Gather Network
Gather is a platform that allows publishers to monetize without ads and provides
businesses & developers access to cheap and reliable processing power.
A mainnet is the official final product of the blockchain project and the realization of the promise made in the whitepaper. In other words, a mainnet launch is the opening of the final product for all users. Token swap also occur during a mainnet launch