CafeSwap $Mocha Token ICO

CafeSwap Finance announced ICO Initial Café Offerings platform & the first ICO, the beloved $MOCHA , 6th May 11:00 am UTC.
Details of the $MOCHA IFO
- Launch time: 6th May 11:30 AM UTC+
- For sale: 35,000 $MOCHA
- Total Funds to Raise: $1,000,000
- Liquidity To Add: $500,000
- BREW to burn: $400,000
- Marketing & Development: $100,000
- Price per token: $30
$MOCHA Tokenomis
- Max Supply : 500,000
Participation Guidelines
Craving some $MOCHA already? Here’s how to partake in the IFO:
In typical IFO style, participants have to buy $BREW and BNB tokens.
Convert them to LPs by adding liquidity to the relevant pair.
The Sales :
Once the sale starts, commit your $BREW — $BNB LP for an opportunity to buy MOCHA.
After the Sale:
Once the sale is over, retrieve your purchased MOCHA and any unspent funds.
Liquidity will be added immediately after the sales of the rare token and locked for 6 months.
What is CafeSwap?
CafeSwap is a binance smart chain yield farming and staking project which aims to solve inflation problems to sustain the ecosystem