Block OG Announced Strategic Investment in ArGo

BlockOG is proud to announce strategic investment in ArGo. Block OG is an early investors in ArGo and look forward to providing them with ongoing support.
ArGo plans to provide a decentralized web hosting platform, providing users with more security, privacy, and lower costs and looking to redefine the future of Decentralized Blockchain hosting and storage.
About Block OG Capital:
BlockOG Capital is a VC founded in 2016, specializing in incubating and accelerating early-stage blockchain projects. Focusing on DeFi, NFT, Polkadot and Binance Smart Chain ecosystem and cross-chain protocol projects.
About ArGo:
ArGo is a blockchain-based, serverless app deployment platform that takes your web app to Decentralised Protocol. We offer a decentralized, uncensored, and permanent hosting platform for businesses and ideas on the internet with 100% uptime.