Endorphin—Free and Open Crypto OS for Smartphones and Other End-User Devices

DFINITY Foundation is cooking up a plan to introduce Endorphin a free and open crypto OS for smartphones and other end user devices.
The vision of Endorphin is essentially that all apps (or dapps) should be built using a combination of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, media, and WebAssembly, just like websites
Rather than having to download apps through Big Tech’s app stores, end users will access apps and dapps via traditional URLs, just like websites. Users will be able to create an icon on the device’s desktop for the app, dapp, or website, and it will load without frames.
Endorphin devices will be upgraded and managed by secure, open governance systems on the Internet Computer, which provides an advanced form of liquid democracy in which end-users, developers, and manufacturers the community will exert their will, mediated through algorithms.
The DFINITY Foundation is a not-for-profit organization based in Zurich, Switzerland, and oversees research centers in Palo Alto, San Francisco, and Zurich. Its mission is to build The Internet Computer, thereby reinventing the Internet as a computer that hosts secure software with superpowers