MultiVac Mainnet Launching

A mainnet is the official final product of the blockchain project and the realization of the promise made in the whitepaper. In other words, a mainnet launch is the opening of the final product for all users.
Pioneering flexible blockchain platform based on trusted sharding MultiVac officially announced the launching of their mainnet. The Mainnet will be launch on June 26,2021. The Mainnet means that the ecosystem has the infrastructure, and more and more ecological applications will be established on the MultiVAC platform. Eco-builders can build powerful decentralized applications and high-throughput decentralized services.
Staking related to Mainnet will start soon
In order to lower the threshold for everyone’s participation and ensure system stability, MutiVac set the threshold of nodes participating in verification and mining to 1 million tokens, that is, anyone with 1 million tokens can participate in the operation.
ABOUT MultiVac
MultiVAC is a high-throughput flexible blockchain platform based on all-dimensional sharding. It’s a next-generation public blockchain platform built for integration with large-scale decentralized applications.