Crust Network and ColdStack Collaboration

Decentralized Cloud Aggregator ColdStack has been partners with Crust Network to enable Simple and Secure Decentralized Data Storage. ColdStack will integrate Crust into their AI-based system to provide an additional storage option. Users will be able to store files into the Crust decentralized cloud via a unified API provided by ColdStack, and the AI-based pipeline will find the most suitable decentralized cloud from the portfolio including Crust, for a simpler, faster, and more affordable experience.
ColdStack ecosystem has three types of nodes
- File Node provides file upload and download services
- Gateway Node works directly with the Decentralized Cloud
- Billing Node calculates storage costs and charges the users
Crust implements the incentive layer protocol for decentralized storage with adapting to multiple storage layer protocols including IPFS, and provides support for the application layer. Crust is using the GPoS (Guaranteed Proof of Stake) consensus, which is called PoS consensus with storage resources as a guaranty quota. The storage resources mainly refer to meaningful data stored and empty disks available.Similar to existing PoS projects, nodes need to stake CRU tokens to compete for the right to generate blocks.
About ColdStack
ColdStack is a Decentralized Cloud Aggregator. ColdStack features a unified Amazon S3 compatible API which allows users to easily access decentralized storage solutions
About Crust Network
Crust implements the incentive layer protocol for decentralized storage, using storage layer protocols such as IPFS, and provides support for the application layer. Crust’s architecture also has the capability of supporting a decentralized computing layer and building a decentralized cloud ecosystem.