Digibyte May 2021 Project History

The longest, fastest, most secure, and most forward thinking UTXO blockchain technology, Digibyte wrote down its May 2021 round ups. Digibyte ecosystem, highlighted some important events on its platform for the past month.
Here’s the recap:
- SwapSpace allows swaps between different assets now their platform via Binance
- DigiByte is available on SevenB and it can be can be downloaded on the Google PlayStore
- AntumID will release an updated version of MyDigiPassword in Q3 of 2021
- Mass adoption of Digibyte and it made possible by Cryptwerk
- The DigiByte VISA card has been approved with Folgory
- DigiByte was mentioned on CNBC and on Wall Street Journal
- Weiss Crypto is starting to recognize DigiByte as a top tier asset on their platform
- Crypto.com has listed DigiByte on their platform
- DigiByte v7.17.3 has been released
- LockTrip has become a sponsoring partner of the DigiByte Foundation and integrated DigiByte as a payment method on their platform
- LCX Exchange listed Digibyte on its platform
- RenDGB has now been added to Polygon, which provides more options via their ecosystem for DigiByte community members and investors.
- VIDT has made DigiByte blockchain a standard for their anchoring protocol
DigiByte is more than a faster digital currency. It is an innovative blockchain that can be used for digital assets, smart contracts, decentralized applications and secure authentication. DigiAssets is a secure, scalable layer on top of the DigiByte blockchain that allows for the decentralized issuance of digital assets, tokens, smart contracts, digital identity and more.
ABOUT Digibyte
DigiByte (DGB) is a highly scalable peer-to-peer digital currency that enables industry-leading transaction speeds with negligible fees. DigiByte is the best means of making digital payments.