DIA x Standard Protocol Partnership

DIA’s accurate and transparent price data points will be integrated into Standard’s Polkadot based protocol for synthetic assets.
By means of this new partnership, Standard Protocol will benefit from DIA’s capabilities to supply accurate, transparent and timely price information. As precise and punctual oracles play a critical role in Standard Protocol’s success, Standard will strengthen their own oracle system by additionally integrating DIA trusted oracles into Standard’s Market, Vault and Stakingmodules.
Standard Protocol’s Market module, a collection of automated market makers, will utilise DIA oracle will enable generate clear-cut exchange rates to purchase digital assets or provide liquidity to earn fees. In the Vaultmodule, Standard’s collateralisation module, the DIA oracle will enable the generation of other synthetic assets with exact price information.
Michael Weber, Association President at DIA comments: “We are very excited to continue exploring the Polkadot space by integrating our price data feeds into Standard Protocol’s ecosystem. DIA oracles will play a critical role for Standard enabling the generation of new synthetic assets.”
Hyungsuk Kang, Head of Technologies of Standard Protocol adds: “DIA has been a great oracle team and helped us to achieve the decentralized oracle ecosystem by providing robust data from multiple sources and hands-on support to contribute the oracle system in Standard protocol. DIA oracles not only enable us to maintain stability of our stablecoin but also secure synthetic assets and other off-chain related functionalities”
What is Standard Protocol?
What is DIA?
DIA (Decentralised Information Asset) is an open-source, financial information platform that utilises crypto-economic incentives to source and validate data. Market actors can supply, share and use financial and digital asset data.