Streamr DATAcoin Brubeck Testnet Public Released

A testnet is an alternative cryptocurrency blockchain, to be used for testing. Testnet coins are separate and distinct from real coins, and are not supposed to have any value. This allows application developers to experiment without resorting to using real coins and not worrying about the integrity and security of the mainnet.
Open source infrastructure for real-time data, Streamr Network public testnet released. The announcement was first release 26 MAY 2021 and today it was finally released for public testing.
Brubeck Testnet Testing Comes With $DATA Rewards
Those who registered earlier before the Brubeck Testnet went to public, the one’s who are being whitelisted are the most priority for the testing. The community just approved SIP-5, a proposal to create a DATA mining rewards pool of up to 2M for the Brubeck testnets. Unutilized tokens (tokens that are not earned via mining the testnets) will never even get minted. To be eligible for rewards you’ll need to successfully run a Broker node and have sufficient uptime in the testnets.
$DATA rewards will get distributed on the xDai sidechain. Streamr recommend Metamask wallet or hardware wallet that can be connected to Metamask. Exchange deposit addresses cannot be used.
The rewards will be based on a bonding curve; the more nodes in the test-net, the more rewards earned by each node. This incentivizes existing participants to tell their friends about the test-net and encourage them to participate too. However, ultimately the profitability of running a node depends on external factors, such as the price of DATA and your cost of running the node.
Absolutely not! Instead, you can get $DATA as a reward for participating in the testnet. There will be no staking in the test-net, in the sense that the test-net participant should cover this. More participants, the bigger reward is coming.
Previously, Streamr considering extending the ERC-20 standard with ERC-777 standard, but they did not go there due to higher gas costs and the fact that ERC-777 is not that used yet. So, the new token will instead implement the more minimalistic ERC-677 standard, which enables token recipients to react to incoming tokens, and has the potential to improve the UX with many smart contracts and cross-chain bridges.
The new contract will also support the “permit” function as defined in EIP-2612, which allows for a third party to pay gas for transactions — another important UX enabler. The new token smart contract implementation is ready and waiting to be audited. The migration contract is ready and waiting to be audited. The migration page is almost ready; dev work is in progress but they are almost there.
ABOUT Streamr
Streamr Network is a decentralized, topic-based publish-subscribe system. Each stream or pub-sub topic has its own peer-to-peer overlay network that is built and maintained by a set of BitTorrent-like trackers. Development is still in progress, with Brubeck as the current milestone.