DeFi11 Enters Into a Partnership with GTA Ventures

DeFi11 is pleased to announce the partnership with GTA Ventures, a crypto-asset venture from Vietnam.
Through this partnership, Defi11 will reach an even larger community and receive support from experts in the crypto space. With this collaboration, they will become more and more successful in achieving the goal of building a decentralized gaming ecosystem.
About GTA Ventures
GTA Ventures is a pioneer crypto assets venture, project accelerator, and community builder based in Vietnam. Their team focuses on potentially cutting-edge cryptocurrency projects and have extensive experience spanning investing, portfolio management, technical recruiting, communications and marketing.
About DeFi11
DeFi11 is a defi powered decentralized gaming ecosystem built on top of Matic Blockchain with Ethereum as the base layer. The platform aims to establish ethical standards in gaming by making the system transparent, auditable and incentivizing. In this way, they are trying to bring more individuals to an already ripe gaming market which has been stifled due to lack of innovation.