imToken Supports Arbitrum Public Mainnet

imToken has announced that they also joined on Arbitrum ecosystem.
With imToken’s support, users can easily switch to Arbitrum Dapps and manage DeFi balances.
As a blockchain users Arbitrum brings some advantages experience with Ethereum applications:
- Low cost and high throughput capabilities: Say goodbye to sky-high fees
- With the same security guarantees as the Ethereum mainnet: Unlike using BSC, you actually get what you paid for
- Privacy features
About imToken:
imToken is an easy and secure digital wallet trusted by over 12 million users. imToken’s mission is to promote self-sovereign control of assets, user privacy and open finance to create value for users.
About Arbitrum
Arbitrum is a cryptocurrency system that supports smart contracts without the limitations of scalability and privacy of systems previous systems such as Ethereum. Arbitrum, like Ethereum, allows parties to create smart contracts by using code to specify the behavior of a virtual machine (VM) that implements the contract’s functionality.