Byte Exchange Overview

A cryptocurrency exchange, or a digital currency exchange, is a business that allows customers to trade cryptocurrencies or digital currencies for other assets, such as conventional fiat money or other digital currencies.
Introducing Byte Exchange
ByteDex is a Hybrid Decentralized Crypto Exchange that trades on a Dual-Chain Blockchain. All information and crypto assets are locked into the blockchain through smart contracts and distributed throughout the network in ByteDex. Therefore, no one other than the account holder can access this information and crypto assets. It cannot be blocked. Crypto assets cannot be stolen or hacked. No one, including the ByteDex team, can intervene, stop, or limit transactions made on the blockchain.
ByteDex PLatform is composed of the following product & services:
ByteDex Liquidity Solution— Never Miss Opportunities with 300+ Trading Pairs
ByteDex Dapps—Develop Applications on the ByteDex Blockchain
ByteDex Token Launcher—Create Tokens on the ByteDex Exchange. Develop Your Own Project
ByteDex Coin—ByteDex Coin Holders Benefit from Special Commission Rates and Share the Revenue of the ByteDex Exchange by staking.
OTC Platform—meet secure crypto trading with ByteDex. Trading freedom between buyer and seller with ByteDex assurance
ByteDex Brokers—if you are a good trader, trade with your customers limits from special panel. Keep you and your customer safe
Byte Wallet (ByteW)—with ByteDex’s Decentralized Wallet, your crypto assets are always safe. Open a window to blockchain with ByteW
Payments and Fiat Money—trade crypto Assets from all over the world with both your Credit Cards and Debit Cards on the ByteDex Exchange
Number of Trading Pairs—ByteDex will be the exchange with the highest number of trading pairs. 120+ pairs at opening and 300+ pairs in first year will be put into the process. And so on in very near future.
ByteDex is a decentralized exchange with a central management based mainly on a double tier blockchain structure. ByteDex develops its own blockchain system in partnership with abroad. ByteDex can reach very high transaction capacity and perform transactions within 1 to 3 seconds thanks to its double tier blockchain structure.
AVAILABLE SALE: 500,000,000
TOTAL SUPPLY: 1,000,000,000
BYTEDEX Token has been produced in cooperation with Tron Network, in total 1 billion units in TRC-10 format. Bytedex owners can share the revenues of the Bytex Exchange by staked their Tokens on the Bytedex Exchange or benefit from large discounts on trading commission fees. ByteDex can be traded for other Crypto Assets or Fiat currencies. ByteDex initial coin offering is ongoing until 30th July 2021
ByteDex is a Decentralized Crypto Asset Exchange With Centralized Management
that Trades on a Blockchain Structure.