PARSIQ Cemented A Partnership with MatrixETF

A blockchain monitoring and workflow automation platform that serves as a multi-level bridge between blockchains and off-chain applications, PARSIQ thrilled to announced its partnership with MatrixETF to offer real-time and highly accurate coin metric data like price and volume, so that investors are best positioned to make better investment decisions.
In order for ETFs to be accurate, real-time data is needed and PARSIQ will be providing those asset data, along with monitoring fluctuations and volume. Streaming real-time data will be a cornerstone of MatrixETFs platform, to combine and display accurate investment data to clients, so that they can make informed decisions. MatrixETF will be integrating PARSIQ’s ingenious smart triggers to create dynamic ETF price feeds for their platforms.
he vision of MatrixETF is to conceive a financial world in which the acquisition of wealth is a passive and automated process. Anyone can make a fortune through the Internet regardless of geography and infrastructure, and obtain an open and transparent investment portfolio and various investment strategies to quickly and easily participate in DeFi finance so as to obtain income and incentives, and jointly determine the direction of development through a DAO community.
PARSIQ is a blockchain monitoring and workflow automation platform that serves as a multi-level bridge between blockchains and off-chain applications. PARSIQ technology is a proprietary ParsiQL programming language that allows users to monitor and interpret an endless stream of data on the blockchain; thus, it’s possible to monitor traders and ordinary users’ wallets.
MatrixETF is the next generation of decentralized ETF platform to run the cross chain,whose goal is to establish a decentralized, automated, personalized and diversified portfolio for users, as well as help users easily enjoy long-term, stable and efficient financial services.