Fleta Weekly Report | Week 2, July 2021

The Platform for a Sustainable DApp Ecosystem, FLETA introduced Weekly Report for Week 2 of July 2021.
1. Formulator Mining/Reward and bFleta, Cherry Liquidity (2021.07.16 10:00 KST Standard)
You can see the status of Fleta formulator and bFleta, Cherry liquidity every week.
✅ Formulator: https://fportal.fleta.io/
✅ bFleta: https://pancakeswap.info/token/0xff8152f09e0fddd1ce1577ef6eba72f3a7c2e7db
✅Cherry: https://pancakeswap.info/token/0x487770734490ac571cda3bc06067048ecc5caa4e
2. Update
▶ Fleta Connect’s TVL, over $20 Millions
Fleta Connect is a DeFi Service built on Binance Smart Chain. Its TVL reached over 20,000,000 only two days after it was launched on July 8th.
✅ Fleta Connect Website: https://fletaconnect.io
✅ Medium article: https://medium.com/fleta-first-chain/fleta-connects-tvl-exceeds-20m-aaaf144e251c
▶ Fleta Connect — Deposit Fee, Multiple and Cherry Block Emission Update
Deposit fee on each pool has revised as shown in below. Multiples was also revised as shown above on July 14th. And finally, the block emission for Cherry token has been changed from 1.1 Cherry/block to 1 Cherry/block.
Cherry-BNB, Cherry-BUSD, Cherry: 0% (Same)
bFleta-BNB, bFleta: 2% ->1.5%
Others: 4% -> 3%
✅ Fleta Connect: https://fletaconnect.io
✅ Details: https://medium.com/fleta-first-chain/updates-on-fleta-connect-july-13th-14th-2021-637ce89b340f
▶ Fleta Connect Launches Vault
Fleta Connect will launch its Vault service on July 20th. Vault compounds the rewards that the users get from yield farming automatically.
✅Fleta Connect: https://fletaconnect.io
✅ Medium article: https://medium.com/fleta-first-chain/fleta-connect-will-open-cherry-vault-service-7fccf60df005
▶ Fleta Connect Listing on DeFi-related Websites
Since the Fleta Connect is listed on many website related to DeFi, the users can find Fleta Connect or Cherry token in those websites.
✅ CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/cherrypick/
✅ Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/cherrypick
✅ DeFi Station: https://www.defistation.io/projects
✅ DApp Radar: https://dappradar.com/binance-smart-chain/defi/fleta-connect
✅ Rugdoc: https://rugdoc.io/project/fleta-connect/
✅ Math DApp Store: https://mathdapp.store/
✅ Ape Board: https://apeboard.finance/dashboard
✅ DApp.com: https://www.dapp.com/app/fleta-connect
3. Fleta’s First Onboarding DApp, Handy
▶ HandyPick, Over 2 Million Downloads
HandyPick his over 2 million downloads on July 14th. It’s only two months after it reached over 1 million. This shows HandyPick is growing constantly.
✅ Twitter: https://twitter.com/HandyProject/status/1415547089245806592
✅ HandyPick iOS: https://apps.apple.com/id/app/handypick/id1546016518
✅ HandyPick Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.handypick.app
What is FLETA?
FLETA is a blockchain platform that aims to offer infrastructure that can be applied to real-world business models. FLETA has its own core blockchain technologies like Level Tree Validation, Parallel Sharding, Independent multi-chain Structure, Block Redesign, and PoF(Proof-of-Formulation) which is its own consensus algorithm. With them, it aims to solve the problems that existing platforms have such as slow speeds, scalability limitations and excessive fees, and provide a flexible development environment. Moreover, its Gateway technology improved its interoperability by allowing projects issuing their tokens through other mainnets to maintain their mainnets while using the FLETA chain.