SANA Testnet Version 0.0.2 Launched

Ethereum Sana (Storage Area Network Anywhere), a point-to-point storage area node network in essence forked upon Swarm, is established by a group of geeks successfully launched its testnet version 0.0.2. and is officially running in Goerli Network one of the Ethereum testnets. The SANA testnet is called ” ANT “ and they have created an ANT DASHBOARD
The Ant Dashboard is a web app that can help you set up your Ant node. It connects to your locally running node, checks the status of different API endpoints and offers troubleshooting.
Your SANA node needs gSANA and ETH (gas fee) to be able to properly interact with the test network. In order to receive these, you will need to go to the faucets to obtain your gSANA and ETH test tokens, using your node’s Ethereum address.
SANA is a point-to-point storage area node network in essence forked upon Swarm.