Fleta Connect Update by July 27

Fleta introduced new updates of Fleta Connect.
1. Dashboard
The Dashboard is updated, and you can see Fleta Connect’s buyback fund and its details.
2. Cherry Buyback & Burn
60,897 Cherry tokens were burned.
TX: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xed8070adbfcd5f387d6f158bc9baa80c783c8f940886b84d00ee49145bb30cff
3. Deposit Fee Reduction
Deposit fees are planned to be lowered at 22:00 KST.
4. Multiplier Rebalancing
Changes will be made in multiples of Fleta Connect’s pairs and pools at 22:00 (KST).
What is Fleta?
Fleta is the Platform for a Sustainable DApp Ecosystem.