Sunny Devnet Public Preview

Sunny Aggregator is thrilled to announce they had been deployed to Solana Devnet.
To try Sunny, the composable yield aggregator on Solana, just visit the Sunny Devnet reference app at The Sunny web app is designed to be a one-page portal where users can quickly see all their Sunny-supported pools and claim all rewards across all pools with a single button.
The app is configured to run on Devnet only for now (the testing assets have $0 value).
Communities are welcome to experiment with the application and leave their feedback on the Sunny Discord server. There may be rough edges and bugs; this is a beta version of the app and may change soon.
Testers can get Devnet testing assets by using the Saber Devnet Airdrop tool. Connect and click on the wallet button on the top right, and use Change Network to switch to Devnet. Then claim testing tokens (such as USDT and USDC). These testing tokens can be used to provide liquidity into Saber Devnet and deposit into Sunny. These test tokens have no actual value, and yields on Devnet also have no actual value.
They will outline the full launch feature-set in the upcoming Mainnet announcement post.
What is Sunny Aggregator
Sunny is a composable DeFi yield aggregator powered by Solana, one of the fastest growing blockchain ecosystems. The Sunny Protocol is designed with composability as a core feature, enabling other applications and protocols to easily build on top of it.
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