Symmetry Swap — Comparison

Symmetry Swap overview and comparison with other decentralized exchanges, and provide some information about its current state and future updates.
DEX Comparison
Symmetry has one of the lowest swap fees in crypto, a 0.22% which is lower than Raydium (0.25%), Orca (0.30%), and leading DEXs like SushiSwap and Uniswap (Both 0.30%).
Why use Symmetry Swap?
✅Lowest Fees
Symmetry Swap has one of the lowest swap fees — 0.22%. Where can you find fees as low as this?
✅ Serum Liquidity
Symmetry Swap is powered by Serum, giving users direct access to $350M+ liquidity and minimizing slippage & spread.
✅ Blazing Fast
It takes less than a minute for a user to visit our swap, connect wallet, select tokens, execute the swap & finalize transaction.
Recent News & Updates
⚡️ Symmetry Swap has been selected as the default swap for official Serum DEX. Users trading on Serum will now be able to easily access and trade on Symmetry Swap.
⚡️ Partnership with Solanium, to offer their users best swapping experience for projects launched on their platform. Solanium users can now swap launched projects directly on Symmetry Swap.
Next Steps for Symmetry Swap
Some of the improvements and future updates are below:
- Custom Markets
- Custom Slippage Field
- Closing OpenOrders account feature
- Checking Unsettled balanced & settling feature
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