CryptoZau Uses BEPRO Network’s Digital Art Gallery

Luis Zau is one of the most promising and emerging Portuguese digital artists and a major talent in contemporary art. His art and vision, started to spread worldwide and enabled him to establish successful projects and partnerships, involving brands and artists in memorable experiences. CryptoZau’s Digital Art Gallery will be launching in October 2021.
CryptoZau is leveraging BEPRO’s NFT Technology and Codebase
BEPRO Network’s bepro-js NFT Technology and Codebase allows any project to launch their NFT business quickly and efficiently. Also, with bepro-js we give a white-label solution for artists and galleries to create their own online digital showcase, using their own brand and naming.
About CryptoZau
Luis Zau is a Portuguese artist and a major talent in contemporary art. He’s a multi-faceted plastic artist, residing in Porto, who in these “recent times” has given a lot to talk about. His works, composed of an abstract language, but, at the same time attractive, full of color and dynamism that reminds of Joan Miró.
About BEPRO Network
BEPRO Network is a codebase for DeFi, Gaming, Prediction Markets & More. We are a Code-as-a-Service protocol providing technology and support for blockchain-based applications.