Knit Finance x Cartesi Integration

Knit Finance’s integration will unlock DeFi opportunities for Cartesi CTSI across multiple chains.
With Knit Finance, users can deposit tokens to an insured custody platform and mint k assets which are 1:1 equivalent in value and are available on multiple chains for trading, staking for yield, lending and margin trading.
🔹Wrapped K-CTSI tokens for Cross Chain Transactions
Knit Finance’s integration with Cartesi will involve the integration of K-CTSI on its multi-chain platform. This will allow CTSI to be transacted across multiple independent blockchains in a wrapped K-CTSI token model.
The Knit Finance integration will give CTSI holders an opportunity to leverage DApps on multiple chains. CTSI holders will be able to maximize DeFi yields with multi-chain APY optimization, utilizing access to more than one blockchain at a time. Knit users can maximize collateral security using the insured custody, and access wrappers for their entire portfolio. Knit Finance enables the k standard for tokens, which is a token wrapper for assets held in insured custody.
About Knit Finance
Knit Finance is a unique decentralized protocol for creating cross-chain wrappers for the top assets. It delivers all-chains bridges to ensure comfortable cross-chain fluidity of assets and allows institutions, developers, farmers, and traders to tap into trusted custody to mint Knit’s k tokens. Making Assets which weren’t available before to trade on the chain you love in an secure and easy manner.
About Cartesi
Cartesi is a multi-chain layer-2 infrastructure that allows any software developer to create smart contracts with mainstream software tools and languages they are used to while achieving massive scalability and low costs. Cartesi combines a groundbreaking virtual machine, optimistic rollups and side-chains to revolutionize the way developers create blockchain applications.