Bridge Mutual Brings ICHI Onto The BMI Platform

ICHI joins the collection of whitelisted coverage pools on the Bridge Mutual platform. These specially selected coverage pools, deemed as leading within the crypto space, enable users to receive extra BMI rewards as Coverage liquidity providers. enables any community to create a token worth $1 minted with that community’s scarce cryptocurrency. ICHI has already partnered with Filecoin, Uniswap, 1INCH, 88MPH, Fuse, and PERL communities in the first two months since the launch of ICHI V2 in the creation of their stable assets. It never made sense for one cryptocurrency community to govern “store of value” and rely on other communities for the other functions of money. With ICHI, every cryptocurrency community can fully govern and benefit from their currency for the first time.
Bridge Mutual and ICHI forming a unified front against the inevitable attacks happening in the ecosystem allows users to feel much safer in their transactional activities. Bridge Mutual is honored to establish this featured cooperation with ICHI, and is more than happy to be the platform that promotes coverage for ICHI users.
ICHI has a strong focus on security, including ICHI V2 audits by both Quantstamp and Solidified. However, this doesn’t eliminate risk. With that in mind, ICHI looks forward to partnering with Bridge Mutual to offer additional coverage options to its community.
About ICHI
ICHI is a self- sustaining, community governed infrastructure that enables any cryptocurrency community to create and govern their own in-house, non- custodial oneToken (a stablecoin valued at $1). ICHI introduces an innovative DAO- like governance model for the overarching decisions made on the development of the entire platform, incentivizing adoption and encouraging real commitment to the ICHI community for its members.
About Bridge Mutual
Bridge Mutual is a decentralized, p2p/p2b discretionary risk coverage platform that provides coverage for stablecoins, centralized exchanges, and smart contracts. Its platform allows users to provide coverage, decide on policy payouts, as well as share profit and get compensated for adjudicating claims.