Splyt Product Update #6

Splyt describes an overview of the Splyt product path forward in Product Update #6.
The Splyt Core Protocol empowers businesses to transform the way they market, sell, & operate. Splyt rethinks the online sales model by removing intermediary services & introduces trustless trade powered by smart contracts. This enables sustainable business growth & p2p commerce to thrive.
Splyt is the marketplace of marketplaces.
Splyt bridges blockchain & e-commerce by reimagining a retail system that is fair, transparent, & equitable. Splyt enables traditional markets to interact with cryptocurrency by linking physical products to the blockchain via eNFTs. By participating in the protocol, whether you’re a brand, retailer, or consumer, you become a participant in the decentralized e-commerce movement through use of the protocol’s native token, SHOPX.
SHOPX serves multiple roles within the Splyt Core Protocol. It represents loyalty for brands, selling power for retailers, & trust & transparency for consumers.
Realizing this vision is no small task. The cryptocurrency space is rapidly evolving & so are we. New innovations emerge every day that expand the space of possibility with Splyt.
Splyt Core Protocol is the foundational smart contract layer upon which the aforementioned products are built. The protocol provides the communication layer to enable these smart contracts to execute autonomously on the blockchain.
There are two primary use cases for Splyt Core Protocol:
- Splyt Insight: Provides open & transparent sales data from which to glean consumer insights. This also enables consumers a resource to monitor the brands & retailers with which they choose to interact.
- Splyt Resolve: Provides a method to resolve disputes between two parties before going to arbitration with a double-stake system that uses game theory to prevent bad actors.
About Splyt
Splyt is the bridge between e-commerce and the blockchain, enabling a secure, trust-less, crypto-based economy.