Astar Network Introduces Astar v2.0, a Multi-chain dApp Hub

Astar Network is a multi-chain dApp hub supporting Ethereum Virtual Machine, WebAssembly, and multiple layer1 blockchains. Polkadot Relaychain doesn’t support smart contracts by design, so dApp developers in the Polkadot ecosystem need a smart contract parachain. In addition to that, Astar supports multiple L1 blockchains. Having those features available makes a difference in the ecosystem.
Astart want to make some innovative use cases through this platform such as synthetic assets or stable coins using ETH and AVAX as collateral, multi-different L1 tokens DEX, etc.
dApp Staking is the future
Astar natively supports financial incentives for developers to make dApps and infrastructure (basic income for all developers aka dApp staking). To make the long story short, devs can earn Astar tokens while making products based on their performance and decentralized voting system.
About Astar Network/Shiden Network
Astar Network (previously known as Plasm) is a dApp hub on Polkadot that supports Ethereum, WebAssembly, and layer 2 solutions like ZK Rollups. Astar aims to be a multi-chain smart contract platform that will support multiple blockchains and virtual machines. Shiden Network is a sister network of Astar Network and a dApp hub on Kusama.