MOBOX Platform Updates

MOBOX released Platform Updates & mini-roadmap with Game Season Adjustment, #MOMO REAL LIFE MYSTERY BOXes, #MOBOXer Avatar- Meet MOMOji & Much Much MORE.
✅1. Raffle adjustment: BOX📦 and GEM💎 Raffles ticket prices will be adjusted from 20 BUSD to “BOX/GEM previous week average price / (divide) 5 BUSD”
⏰ETA: BOX Raffle 09/23
GEM Lottery 09/28
✅2. MOMO Max level limit increased from 30 to 40
✅3. Enhancement Crystal 🔮Raffle: Add new BEP-1155 MOBOX Enhancement Crystal (MEC).
✅4. MOMO Enhancement System: MOMO can consume MOBOX Enhancement Crystals (MEC) and a small amount of MBOX tokens to increase the Hashpower of Rare and Epic quality MOMOs. When used, it can increase 1–5 hash power.
Rare and Epic MOMOs can increase their hash power to 80 and 150 respectively. (MOMOs that have already been upgraded will have their starting hash power recalculated). Legendary MOMOs will have enhance disabled for the time being.
⏰ETA: 09/29
✅5. Crystal Treasure BOX Raffle🔮 : veMBOX and Hashpower will be used to obtain raffle tickets.
⏰ETA: 09/29
✅6. Unlock Crystal Treasure BOX
⏰ETA: 10/06
✅7. Marketplace adjustment: Add Crystal Treasure BOX and Enhancement Crystal to the marketplace. All marketplace currencies will be changed to use BUSD for trading.
✅8. Rent and Lend adjustment: At the time of this announcement, listing a MOMO for rent will be temporarily disabled. Users can continue to rent current MOMOS with an end date of 09/24 16:00 UTC.
✅9. Rent and Lend rules adjustment: Rent and Lend fee will be increased from 5% to 20%. When extending rent time, price cannot be lower than previous price.
✅10. Rent and Lend adjustment: The lendor can set daily unit price and max number of days. The rentor can choose the number of days to rent, and whether or not to extend the remaining days.
✅11. The Rent and Lend function WILL BE SUSPENDED until Token Master S17.
✅12. MOMO Marketplace will have a new “Pre-Bid” function. When a MOMO is listed on the marketplace, it will first go through a pre-bidding round where users can bid for the MOMO. The highest bidder will obtain the MOMO from the marketplace. If the bidding fails, the MOMO can be traded freely on the marketplace.
MOBOX is a platform where Gaming & Finance come together & create #GameFi — where free to play & play to earn is a reality.