Cere Network Partners With Lithium Finance

Cere Network announces partnership with Lithium Finance. Lithium is the first collective-intelligence pricing oracle to give precise and timely pricing on private, illiquid assets. It rewards analysts who provide truthful information and punish those who offer false pricing data.
This partnership with Lithium will kick start the launch of the Data Privacy Alliance to raise awareness for protecting data and construct a gateway for DeFi protocols that want to reinforce data privacy.
The way Lithium prices private and illiquid assets rely on the interactions between Wisdom Seekers and Wisdom Nodes. During the process, Wisdom Nodes answer pricing questions from Wisdom Seekers. By design, all the submissions from Wisdom Nodes are private. With the help from Cere’s DDC, Lithium will be able to fortify and strengthen the protection of those price-sensitive data from Wisdom Nodes.
Data privacy has been one of the most under-addressed issues in DeFi. The partnership will also mean the beginning of a brand new data privacy alliance in the DeFi space. This alliance aims to boost the awareness of data privacy and help protocols customize data protection solutions in a decentralized manner.
About Lithium Finance
Lithium Finance is the first collective-intelligence pricing oracle to give precise and timely pricing on private, illiquid assets. It rewards analysts who provide truthful information and punish those who offer false pricing data. As a result, Lithium’s users obtain pricing for all hard-to-value assets such as pre-IPO stocks, private equity, and other illiquid assets effectively.
About Cere Network
Cere Network is well on its way to defining the future of consumer data, e-commerce, and NFTs.
Our key innovation revolves around the Cere Decentralized Data Cloud powered by the Cere Network mainnet.
Cere’s Decentralized Data Cloud (DDC) is designed from the ground up to address today’s enterprise need for individual user data encryption and privacy compliance while simplifying the customization and integration with today’s intelligent (AI) data-driven personalization solutions.