Atlantis World Receives Balancer Grant

Balancer Grants DAO is proud to announce the approval of the grant application by Atlantis World to integrate Balancer into their virtual world. Atlantis World is a pixel metaverse with token-gating, video calling, gamified DeFi + in-game DAO voting. They believe that as much as the metaverse should be open, it should be accessible (lightweight) + plug into DeFi applications in a fun / gamified way.
“The Balancer Grants DAO is super excited to see a world in the future that is accessible to everyone and that acts as a way to introduce people into DeFi. The Atlantis World team has a very grand vision and we’d love to be part of the journey to reaching it”- Nick, Balancer Grants Member
The grant covers the integration of Balancer Protocol into the Atlantis World which will allow for new users to interact with Balancer in a completely unique and gamified way. Additionally, being located in Atlantis World with its own Balancer City will allow for more exposure to the Balancer Ecosystem as the user base of Atlantis grows.
“We’re incredibly excited to have Balancer join us as a founding city of Atlantis. As a top DeFi innovator, we can’t wait to bring their portfolio management and trading products to the metaverse. We especially love how they align on our vision of making the virtual world experience super lightweight and accessible for everybody, and onboarding new users into DeFi with gamification and interactive learning.” — CJ, Atlantis co-founder And Product lead
About Atlantis
Atlantis World is launching a lightweight virtual world with interactive learning for DeFi that is accessible to everybody, especially those in regions who are underbanked and suffer from routine predatory lending practices, enabling them to onboard more people into DeFi who stand to benefit the most from innovations in the blockchain / Web3 space. All while creating public cities and re-thinking decentralized governance with their own community.
About Balancer Grants
The BAL Grant program is one way BalancerDAO promotes the development of the Balancer Protocol and Ecosystem. The BAL Grant program provides support and funding ($1K — $75K) to projects committed to supporting Balancer Protocol in achieving its mission to become the number one source for Decentralized exchange trades. This program is a good fit for individuals and groups that want to run a project that builds technology or resources on the Balancer Protocol.