Introducing Crato by Crust Network

Crust Network introduced Crato, a decentralized distributed cloud storage solution based on blockchain, provides Decentralized Storage service based on IPFS and Crust.
Crato focuses on providing more efficient space for cloud storage infrastructure and a more open expansion environment for cloud storage applications. Crato is committed to becoming a powerful middle platform in distributed cloud storage network architecture and enabling a new storage ecosystem in the era of blockchain
🔹Functions of Crato
1. To provide optional encrypting service to secure the privacy and safety of the data
2. To make sure a stable storage on IPFS
3. To help the customers to avoid the risk of service price fluctuation
4. To provide user-friendly SDK
About IPFS
IPFS (Inter Planetary File System) a P2P storage network that every two nodes can exchange their data via DHT (Distributed Hash Table) protocol. In IPFS network a file is divided into numbers of blocks each has a unique CID (Content Identity). A file block contains its children’s CIDs. It can search and get the blocks by its children’s CIDs via DHT. This process runs recursively until a whole file downloaded.
About Crust
Crust implements the incentive layer protocol for decentralized storage. It is adaptable to multiple storage layer protocols such as IPFS, and provides support for the application layer. Crust’s architecture also has the capability of supporting a decentralized computing layer and building a decentralized cloud ecosystem.