Plutos Network PancakeSwap Liquidity Reward Program Live Now!

Plutos Network is delighted to announce the launch of its 1st Liquidity Reward Program on PancakeSwap.
Plutos Network is launching a liquidity mining program to reward PLUT/BNB liquidity providers on Pancake Swap.
They will be setting aside a reward pool of $30k worth of $PLUT tokens per month for participants (a total prize pool of $90k worth of $PLUT tokens) for the first LP reward program!
Their first LP reward program starts from 2PM UTC, Sept 28th and ends at 2PM UTC, Dec 28th.
Rewards payouts happen each month as long as you have been providing liquidity for a minimum period of 30 days.
By incentivizing PLUT LPs with rewards, they aim to bootstrap the necessary liquidity to minimize costs/slippage and build long-term value for our ecosystem.
$PLUT Liquidity Mining Rewards Program
In addition to the 0.3% trading fees earned, all whitelisted LPs will be qualified to earn their shares of the $30k worth of $PLUT tokens on a monthly basis, proportional to how much they contribute to the pool.
How to Qualify:
- Provide liquidity in the PLUT/BNB PancakeSwap pool for a minimum of 30 days.
- Whitelist your address 👉 here.
About Plutos Network
Plutos Network is a multi-chain synthetic issuance & derivative trading platform which introduces mining incentives and staking rewards to users. By integrating blockchains such as Solana, Polkadot, and BSC, enabling on-chain and cross-chain liquidity and trading, Plutos Network is to offer users synthetic issuance and trading services for a wide range of synthetic products which are sustainable, profitable, and disruptive to the traditional derivative market.
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About PancakeSwap
PancakeSwap is an automated market maker (AMM) on Binance Smart Chain, allowing users to seamlessly exchange tokens and earn CAKE passively.
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