PolkaEx has received a strategic investment from Sota Watanabe

PolkaEx has received a strategic investment from Sota Watanabe, a Founder Of Astar & Shiden Backs PolkaEx.
DEX and Launchpad
Sota Watanabe invested into PolkaEx and put his full endorsement behind PolkaEx for the work they have been doing to bring the first DEX, Launchpad, and Farming to Shiden Network.
Sota is best known as the Founder of Astar Network. What is Astar Network? Astar Network is a multi-chain dApp hub on Polkadot that supports Ethereum Virtual Machine, WebAssembly, and Layer2 solutions. Astar is designed to have all the necessary features to become a hub for smart contracts on Polkadot. Astar Network is backed by Binance, Huobi, OKEx, Fenbushi, and other prominent investors.
About PolkaEX
PolkaEx is a cross-chain trade platform based on Polkadot, using Astar Network to provide higher TPS, lower transaction cost