An Introduction to CycloSwap

The Cyclos team proudly introduces CycloSwap – the most advanced swap interface on Solana.
The importance of the swap mechanism to DeFi is often taken for granted, despite the fundamental role it plays as a basic DeFi infrastructure component. Through a combination of experimentation and user-generated feedback, the Cyclos team is continually optimizing CycloSwap.
Let us take a look at several advantages of CycloSwap offered to DeFi users on Solana.
What makes CycloSwap different?
💥 CYS token holders swap with 0 platform fees
Are you holding CYS in your wallet? If so, you have access to the lowest swap fee tier available on Solana. Not holding CYS but want access to super low fees? There’s no minimum CYS holding requirement 🙂 Low fee figures are thrown around a lot in the space, but no fee is hard to beat.
💥 Multi-market enabled swaps
On Solana, not every swap is built the same. While swapping between any pair of tokens is a simple procedure that users have grown to expect on other chains, this function remains absent from some of the major Solana-based swap platforms. Keeping in line with DeFi user expectations, Cyclos has enabled multi-market token swaps, so users can seamlessly move between any token pairing of their choice, without limitation.
💥 Token-based Price Chart Denomination
Other swaps only display USD denominated prices. With CycloSwap, flexible price charts allow users to view price history denominated in major tokens like SOL, BTC, ETH, etc. Evaluating the price performance of your desired tokens as never been easier.
What is Cyclos?
Cyclos is a concentrated liquidity market maker protocol that aims to be the go-to liquidity solution for digital asset trades on Solana. Cyclos leverages innovations around greater capital efficiency and combines them with a simple, intuitive UI, allowing liquidity providers of all sizes to participate in the market.
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