CougarSwap – Fantom Cougar Vault
CougarSwap developed Cougar Vaults for users to make as much profit as possible through providing liquidity in Yield Farming.
Vault feature, a method of protocol bootstrapping through Yield Farming that can influence other protocols, to go up together. For more details, when users accomplish a purpose of using Vaults, Cougarswap will automatically help users optimize Yield Farming returns. Therefore, users will take full advantage of Yield Farms by just simply depositing into “Vaults”, which is the term for the auto-compounding contracts. Given the fact that normal users will have to approve a lot of transactions for tracking of profits or losses and it can be very time-consuming which is also very expensive because it will generate a lot of gas fees.
CougarSwap – The futuristic generation Yield Farming strategies built on Binance Smart Chain features at highest stability and security level.