Ola Finance Rainmaker Program live on SpiritSwap
The second liquidity mining program on SpiritSwap is now live, rewarding borrowers from the lending pools with 200,000 SPIRIT tokens, initially during 31 days.
SpiritSwap decided to distribute tokens only for those who borrow tokens. The rewards will be distributed on a per-block basis, i.e., 0.07467145 tokens per block.
Ola Finance
Ola Finance is not another Compound or another Aave. Rather, it is a platform that lets anyone create a compound-like instance that includes whichever tokens he or she likes. Ola’s goal is to broaden the set of tokens that offer lending and borrowing services to their communities, while restraining the levels of risk that users of the platform are exposed to. By having multiple compound-like instances run side by side, each with its own risk profile, users are free to interact with those instances that fit their risk appetites.