Announcing The Navcoin-js Hackathon Event

The feature of transacting privately within Navcoin’s ecosystem is available for anyone to add by integrating the JavaScript library navcoin-js. The are beyond excited to learn about new use-cases for navcoin-js that they may not have thought about themselves, and so are happy to announce the details of thier hackathon to which they invite and encourage developers from all over the world to take part in utilizing the library to build new blockchain applications.
What is navcoin-js?
Navcoin-js is a Javascript library that encapsulates wallet management and network communication of Navcoin’s network.
The Hackathon
If you are a developer interested in learning how to build blockchain applications using navcoin-js, you can register to Navcoin hackathon by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Registration is open to anyone in the world and will remain open until November 18th. Once registration closes, all participants will receive details on how to participate in the first online session of the hackathon which will take place on November 25th.
The hackathon finishes on December 16th and is thus the last day for participants to submit their projects. A committee of Navcoin developers and community members will vote on the apps that have been built, and the creators will be awarded.
- 1st place: 25,000 NAV
- 2nd place: 10,000 NAV
- 3rd, 4th and 5th place: 5,000 NAV
To be eligible for a prize, a project must:
- be open source.
- make use of the navcoin-js library
When building your application, there’s a couple of traits that will be looked upon favorably:
- A unique idea
- Something that adds value to Navcoin’s network and aligns with its values
- A privacy-focused app
- Creative uses of private currency xNAV
- Good UI and UX
ABOUT Navcoin
Navcoin as an ecosystem consists of three currencies with each of them being integral to who we are as a community, and what our network is capable of.