Introducing Liskscan Collectibles

Liskscan introduced Liskscan Collectibles, a hot topic in the whole blockchain space.
To experience the full capabilities of these NFTs, interoperability between Lisk mainchain and Lisk blockchain applications is needed.
Since it is not possible to create interoperable NFTs yet, we are preparing Liskscan using our own created Liskscan Collectibles. In the newest version of Liskscan they added a new section to the account page to give users an overview of their collectibles.
They strive to make all account related collectibles visible on Liskscan. That means all collectibles throughout all Lisk blockchain applications. This way you will be able to always get a quick overview of your personal collectibles.
Currently Liskscan is able to generate sets of collectibles based on transactions performed on the Lisk mainchain. Your Liskscan collectibles are recorded on the Lisk mainchain. All Liskscan collectibles will be turned into real NFTs once interoperability and our NFT chain are live.
🔸Halloween 2021 collectibles
To celebrate this new development milestone ánd celebrate .. Halloween they created a set of Halloween 2021 Collectibles. Every account has a unique collectible which you can claim for 1 lsk. On your account collectibles overview page you also have the option to claim random new Halloween 2021 collectibles in exchange for 5 lsk.
About Lisk
Lisk is an open source blockchain application platform. They empower developers with a software development kit for blockchain applications written in JavaScript.