Perpetual Protocol Introduce Perpfect Game

The Perpfect Game, the trading competition for Perpetual Protocol V2 testnet, is a different kind of game. The addresses that can join the game are pre-selected and put into 10 different teams based on the value of the tokens each address holds on 10/22 (Sat.) at 21:00 (UTC+8).
To maximize your prize winnings, not only do you need to compete with other participants, but you should also recruit more competition participants. The entire prize pool is 200,000 PERP, over $3M.
The prize pool amount will be gradually unlocked as more people join the game. The unlock thresholds are shown below:
- < 500 participants* = 50,000 PERP (~$750K, 25% unlocked)
- > 1,000 participants = 100,000 PERP (~$1.5M ,50% unlocked)
- > 2,500 participants = 150,000 PERP (~$2.25M 75% unlocked)
- > 5,000 participants = 200,000 PERP (~$3M, 100% unlocked
The following are the goals and the tickets per goal for The Perpfect Game:
- Made at least one trade: 1 ticket per person
- Become a maker and collect at least 500 USDC tx fees: 2 tickets per person
- Participants of the first team (ranked by adjusted realized PnL**) : 3 tickets per person
- Participants of the second team (ranked by adjusted realized PnL): 2 tickets per person
- Participants of the third team (ranked by adjusted realized PnL): 1 ticket per person
- Top 5 traders ranked by realized PnL within the top three teams respectively: 14 tickets per person
- Top 5 traders within the no. 4~10 team: 6 tickets per person
- Report previously unknown bugs: 1 ticket per new bug (FCFS)
The game will start on 10/26 (Tue.) at 2:00 pm (UTC) and end on 11/2 (Tue.) at 2:00 pm (UTC).
ABOUT Perpetual Protocol
The core of Perpetual Protocol is the decentralized exchange (DEX), based on Ethereum and xDai