Darwinia Crowdloan on Polkadot

The Polkadot slot auction is about to begin, and Darwinia Network, as a Polkadot Metaverse project, has officially announced its participation in the auction.
Darwinia Network mainly focuses on building a trustless multi-chain bridge hub, supporting Defi, NFT, Gamefi applications, which will become the foundational layer for the next generation of the Web3.0 Metaverse.
🔹Darwinia’s Participation Strategy
Polkadot’s on-chain governance has approved two batches of auctions. Batch 1 has 5 auctions starting from November 11, 2021, till the middle of December 2021. Batch 2 has 6 auctions starting from December 23, 2021, till early March 2022.
- Darwinia’s Crowdloan Activation: Batch 1
Darwinia’s Crowdloan will be active and open for contributions when Batch 1 auctions start on November 11, 2021. You can signal your support at the very beginning. - Darwinia’s Parachain Auction: Batch 2
Darwinia will strategically skip Batch 1 auctions, but bid for Batch 2 auctions starting on December 23, 2021.
🔹How to Contribute to the Darwinia Crowdloan
- Darwinia’s PLO page (will display multi-dimensional data such as the number of contributions, proportions, rankings, number of rewards, etc. to optimize your crowdlending experience);
- Crowdloan module on Polkadot.js;
- Third parties, such as exchanges.
Specific details will be announced if other methods of participation open up. So stay tuned for follow-up posts.
About Darwinia Network
Darwinia Network is a decentralized cross-chain bridge network building on Substrate, which is the “cross-chain bridge hub” of the Web 3.0 Metaverse. It provides a safe and general bridging solution, connects to Polkadot, Ethereum, TRON, and other heterogeneous chains by cross-chain transfer of assets and remote chain calls.
Darwinia has been contributing to the compatibility and interoperability of the Metaverse.
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