WingSwap – Pioneer Liquidity Providing Program
WingSwap is implementing a pioneer liquidity mining program to incentivize the provision of liquidity to the the following pairs:
This program will remain in place for each subsequent week with no specific scheduled end date, therefore rewarding long-term users who continuously provide liquidity as well as borrow from their lending pool each week.
From now, there will no longer be a specific amount of weekly rewards as their liquidity mining program will run constantly until the new announcement is made.
In addition, they also encourage users to experience the Swap feature of WingSwap. With low slippage and fast speed, users can access assets in the Fantom ecosystem extremely easily and smoothly.
WingSwap is a dedicated Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and a staking platform where users can provide liquidity to the DEX, trade different types of assets in a decentralized way and get rewarded for doing so. The platform is created without the flaws of existing approaches, enabling proper money markets to function, and creating a safe positive-yield approach to the liquidity provided by platform members.