Metaprints NFT ZENDIT on Mantra DAO

Metaprints NFT ZENDIT Pool opens on December 21st 12 PM UTC on Mantra DAO.
🔹Round Tier and Terms
- NFT Sale
- Airdrop on December 30th
🔹Metaprints ZENDIT Pool Details
- Token Type: ERC-1155 (Polygon Pos)
- Total Raise Amount: $300,000
- Total Available Tokens: 500 NFTs
- 2 Pools: Tier 0 (5 plots max for all whitelisted addresses), Private Sherpa Pool (all remaining plots)
- Asset Pool Pair: USDT (Polygon Pos)
- USDT NFT exchange offering Price: $600/NFT
🔹Participation Tiers
Sherpas will be eligible to enter the highest participation tier they qualify for on a per-wallet basis. Each individual wallet may only participate in one Sherpa tier and will also automatically be able to participate in the public tier if they qualify.
Applicants can hold or stake ERC-20, BEP-20, or Polygon OM. Supplied OM refers to OM supplied on ZENTEREST or zenOM. Staked OM refers to OM staked in our staking contract or sOM.
🔹Participation Tiers & Instructions
- Join the Metaprints community:
- Follow MANTRA DAO and Metaprints on Twitter: & - Like the official announcement tweets about the Metaprints (on both the ZENDIT and Metaprints Twitter pages) and also retweet these tweets!
- Final step, complete this entry form before Tuesday, December 14th, 12 PM UTC
After the whitelist closes on Sunday, December 19th, 12 PM UTC, we will be randomly picking a limited number of Sherpas for each tier who will have access to the pools and will be announcing the winners’ Polygon ERC-20 wallet addresses via our Twitter and Official News, and Announcements on Monday, December 20th 12 PM UTC.
MANTRA DAO is a community-governed DeFi platform focused on Staking, Lending, and Governance. It gives financial control back to the people, so that they may store and grow their wealth together. The MANTRA DAO team aims to leverage crowd wisdom to create a community-governed, transparent, and decentralized ecosystem for web 3.0. Initially built on Substrate as a Polkadot first project, it now also offers its services on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon.
About MetaPrints
Metaprints is the gateway for brands to accelerate their presence in numerous metaverse ecosystems in one simple step. Backed by Animoca Brands, Metaprints has a unique network of the biggest metaverse projects in the space that allows them to facilitate the creation and curation of branded assets across multiple platforms through one partnership.
Metaprint NFTs are branded asset ‘blueprints’ sold to buyers in order to fund the creation of the 3D assets required in the metaverse platforms by some of the best animation specialists. Creators and brands also receive a share of future revenue for assets created, ensuring everyone through the chain benefits from the model.