UniPass Pre-registration is Open

UniPass announced that UniPass Pre-registration is now open.
UniPass is a multi-chain universal crypto identity and users can manage their own keys and crypto identity based on their UniPass ID. Each UniPass ID is unique and will not be reserved, sold or auctioned in the future.
Users can only acquire it by registration (and it’s free!). UniPass ID pre-registration will December 15, 2021 till December 30, 2021 at 12:00 UTC.
🔹UniPass ID Pre-Registration Process
- Pre-registration interface — https://app.unipass.id/pre — click the “Pre-register UniPass” button, and pre-register your UniPass ID by forwarding an email.
- You can click the “Get more tickets” button to complete community tasks, more tickets will boost your chance of winning your ideal Unipass ID.
- The email address that gets the target UniPass ID will be selected by a fair lottery, and the UniPass ID corresponding to the winning email will be uploaded after UniPass launches on CKB mainnet.
If multiple users wanted to register the same Unipass ID, we will do a fair draw based on your contribution. Rules as below:
Each user who completes the email registration will get 5 tickets, and if you want to get more tickets, you can participate in the community tasks by clicking “Get more tickets”. (Tickets earned from the community tasks will be updated at 12:00 UTC daily)
About UniPass
UniPass is multi-chain unified crypto identity, the carrier for the concept of ‘a person’ in Metaverse. With UniPass’s unique Non-custodial Email-based Social Recovery solution, you can take full control of your crypto identity with a keyless experience. You can also authenticate multi-chain addresses and even social accounts cryptographically, making your identity verifiable and more valuable.