Ontology ONG Christmas Party

Ontology Network celebrates Christmas giving away some $ONG to their guests.
Game 1: Christmas Celebration Events
The first game is split across three of our communities; the English, Sinhala (Sri Lankan) and Vietnamese communities.
To find the rules for first game,
1.Simply join the party in the relevant Telegram community by clicking the respective communities listed below:
English (50 ONG rewards) — From Dec 22nd, 2021 to Dec 31st, 2012
Sinhala (Sri Lankan) (180 ONG rewards) — From Dec 17th to Dec 27th
Vietnamese (70 ONG rewards) — From Dec 22nd to Dec 31st
2. Check the pinned message in the aforementioned groups and learn how to participate.
Game 2: Christmas Quizzes
The Christmas Quiz is split across the English, Filipino, Vietnamese, Spanish, Indian, Sinhala and Russian Telegram communities.
Each community has 100 ONG available to win!
1. Make your way to the appropriate Telegram group via the hyperlink below, where quizmasters have prepared a quiz in the appropriate language.
English — 12pm, Dec 26th (UTC)
Filipino — 10am, Dec 27th (UTC)
Vietnamese — 8am, Dec 28th (UTC)
Spanish — 3pm, Dec 29th (UTC)
Indian — 2.30pm, Dec 30th (UTC)
Sinhala — 1.30pm, Dec 31st (UTC)
Russian — 3pm, Dec 31st (UTC)
2. Participate in the Ontology Christmas Quiz.
3. Show them how smart you are! Each community has prepared between 10 and 20 Questions, with a maximum quiz score of 100 points.
Top 3 in each community will receive:
- 1st place: 30 ONG
- 2nd place: 20 ONG
- 3rd place: 10 ONG
About Ontology
Ontology is a high performance, open source blockchain specializing in digital identity and data.