YokaiSwap x DAS Integration

How to show your DAS name in YokaiSwap?
🔸Step 1. Register your DAS account
If you don’t have any DAS account, you can register your favorite one first: https://da.systems/
🔸Step 2. Set your DAS reverse record
Then, please set your DAS reverse record: https://app.da.systems/reverse
🔸Step 3. Log in YokaiSwap with your wallet address
Log in YokaiSwap with your wallet address, and then you can see your DAS name.
About YokaiSwap
YokaiSwap, the first interoperable AMM (Automated Market Maker), DEX (Decentralized Exchange), Yield Farming and Staking platform on Nervos. Their ultimate goal is to be a stepping-stone to the elimination of Centralized Exchanges as well as be one of the best Multi-Chain Decentralized Exchanges in the crypto space, at the level of or if not better than Uniswap. Nervos will be the guiding light of this mission and we hope to be the torch bearer.
About DAS
DAS is a cross-chain decentralized account system.
It can be used as a digital currency collection account, or as an account to access general internet services. DAS has powerful cross-chain capabilities and supports ETH/Polygon/BSC/TRON and any other public chain address.