Celer Network Bridge 2nd Liquidity Mining Session is Now LIVE!

cBridge’s Liquidity Mining Session One is coming to an end today, but don’t worry! We are happy to share that we will be seamlessly transitioning into Session Two of the liquidity mining program starting at 02:00 UTC Jan 15th, 2022! Existing LPs do not need to do anything in order to continue into Session Two and your mining rewards will begin to accumulate automatically.
For existing liquidity providers, no action is needed and your liquidity mining rewards will continue to automatically distribute once the session is live. For new liquidity providers, it is very simple: All you need to do is provide liquidity in the pools and you will be automatically enrolled in the liquidity mining session.
About Celer Network
Celer Network is a layer-2 scaling platform that brings fast, secure and low-cost blockchain applications on Ethereum, Polkadot and other blockchains to mass adoption. Celer launched the world’s first Generalized State Channel Network and continues to push the frontier of Layer-2 scaling with advanced Rollup technology. Core applications and middleware like cBridge, layer2 finance, and more ecosystem applications built on Celer have attracted large audiences in the DeFi, blockchain interoperability, and gaming