ZenFi AI Overview

ZenFi is working towards an intelligent metaverse that preserves our mind and intelligence beyond the limitations of the physical world and our own flesh. Ultimately, ZenFi protocols will enable each human being to create an emulation of his/her mental state (i.e., mind and soul), encode it into a digital form, and place it onto a decentralised and everlasting storage medium under a format of an intelligent NFT. Such an intelligent NFT serves as a lively avatar of one’s self in the metaverse.
ZenFi Best Features
- Tokenized Intelligence
Combining computational neuroscience and neuroinformatics, scientists can now emulate human beings’ mental state by a series of computer codes. By bringing such codes on-chain, and denoting them under a format of NFTs, ZENFI AI can tokenize human intelligence and store its representation on an everlasting storage of blockchain. - Train-to-Earn
Once created, an intelligent NFT may continue to learn, adapt and evolve. ZenFi AI provides a Train-to-Earn incentive model. One can either pay others to provide valuable dataset on which their own intelligent NFTs could learn and train. Alternatively, one can also let their well-trained intelligent NFTs interact with others, providing intelligent services, thereby earning service fee. - Intelligent Services
In the current architecture, smart contracts or other autonomous agents inhabiting the blockchains are not able to communicate with the real world solely by themselves. The contemporary solutions are Oracles. However, these oracles will eventually pale in comparison with the intelligent NFTs that offer intelligence services in the intelligent metaverse.
Native token to the entire ZenFi Protocols is the ZenFi AI. Zen observes BEP-20 standard, and sports both utility and governance features.
- Public Offering: 18th January 2021
- Name: ZenFi AI
- Symbol: ZENFI
- Total Supply: 42,000,000
JAN 2021
- ZenFi Announces Initial Stake Pool Offering
APRIL 2022
• ZenFi shall unveil iNFT Studio
• Users can build their iNFT avatar with their own portrait photo
• ZenFi will open AI-training-pipeline in beta-version
• Allowing users to start training their iNFT avatar
- AI-training-pipeline will be rendered fully functional
JULY 2022
• Bridges will be established to provide passage between ZenFi’s “intelligent metaverse with others platforms, such as Facebook’s Horizon, or Alethea AI
MARCH 2023
• ZenFi intelligent metaverse shall go live
- Human Intelligence Emulation will be incorporated to ZenFi’s AI-training-pipeline
ZenFi AI initially supports ERC-721, BEP-721 and TRC-721 NFTs. This means our suite will be provisioned on Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum and Tron. They will be launching on more blockchain platforms as their NFT ecosystems expand.