PIVX Went Live On LetsExchange

Published on: 19.02.2022

An open-source and decentralized peer-to-peer currency featuring advanced user data protection features, community governance mechanisms, PIVX went live on LetsExchange platform.

LetsExchange is a one-stop multicurrency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications. Built by a team of crypto visionaries with 10+ years of experience in the blockchain space and fintech, LetsExchange saves your time at each step of a crypto swap and amplifies your trading revenue.

LetsExchange requires no registration, so that users can start trading in no time, as soon as the rate is right for them.

With PIVX being added to LetsExchange, both projects guarantees their users to keep their data safe and secured.

PIVX is an open-source and decentralized peer-to-peer currency featuring advanced user data protection features, community governance mechanisms, Proof of Stake consensus algorithm, and multi-purpose Masternodes.

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ABOUT LetsExchange
LetsExchange is a one-stop multicurrency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications.

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Market Stats:
BTC Dominance: 56.67%(+0.02%/24h)
ETH Dominance: 12.04%(-0.02%/24h)
Defi Market Cap: $111.05B(+8.56%/24h)
Total Market Cap: $3288.99B(-2.44%/24h)
Total Trading Volume 24h: $172.84B(+11.29%/24h)
ETH Market Cap: $395.62B
Defi to ETH Ratio: 28.07%
Defi Dominance: 3.23%
Altcoin Market Cap: $1425.07B
Altcoin Volume 24h: $107.96B
Total Cryptocurrencies: 33227
Active Cryptocurrencies: 10574
Active Market Pairs: 96751
Active Exchanges: 778
Total Exchanges: 9860
BTC: 94056.54$(-0.19%/1H)
ETH: 3284.23$(0.04%/1H)
AVAX: 37.19$(-0.28%/1H)
BNB: 689.17$(-0.23%/1H)
MATIC: 0.46$(-0.14%/1H)
FTM: 0.66$(0.25%/1H)
ADA: 0.93$(0%/1H)
DOT: 6.66$(-0.05%/1H)
UNI: 12.91$(-0.38%/1H)
CAKE: 2.26$(-0.11%/1H)
SUSHI: 1.47$(-0.56%/1H)
ONE: 0.02$(-0.54%/1H)