Investin Strategic Partnership with Jupiter Exchange

Investin proudly announces its partnership with Jupiter Exchange, the key liquidity aggregator on Solana, to offer best in class asset management.
Investin will be integrating Jupiter Exchange as their main swap engine to provide best-in-class swap rates to Investin’s DeFi hedge funds.
With this integration, Investin aims to deliver the best of both worlds be it spot trading or perp trading through its integrations with Mango Markets and Jupiter Exchange.
Investin is all about composability and strives to work on integrating the best of DeFi into Investing and offer the best on-chain hedge fund solutions, this partnership with the best dex aggregator in space allows Investin Fund managers to get the widest range of tokens and best route discovery between any token pair.
A big shoutout to team Jupiter for quickly upgrading their SDK to make this CPI integration possible. Their .13 release helped them get a hold of their multi-hop feature and use only routes with tokens whitelisted on Investin.
They look forward to working with them as they continue to integrate all of Solana’s liquidity which in turn will be added to Investin’s new Jupiter-powered swap engine.
About Investin
Investin is a Decentralized Fund Management Protocol, enabling anyone to invest or start funds in a trustless and secure environment on leading blockchains.
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About Jupiter
Jupiter is the key liquidity aggregator for Solana, offering the widest range of tokens and best route discovery between any token pair.
They aim to provide the most friendly UX for users and the most powerful tools for developers to allow them to easily access the best-in-class swap in their application, interface, or on-chain programs.