Celer Network Announced The Successful Integration With Milkomeda

Celer Network is excited to announce that we have successfully integrated with Milkomeda, a Layer 2 Protocol (Rollups) delivering EVM capabilities to non-EVM blockchains.
Users can bridge tokens to Milkomeda chain once the chain’s whitelist is removed. Right now, if your address is not whitelisted, please refrain from bridging to Milkomeda.
The integration will start by supporting the following tokens:
Ethereum –> Milkomeda: USDT, USDC, DAI, WETH, WBTC
BNB Chain –> Milkomeda: BNB, BUSD
Polygon –> Milkomeda: MATIC
Avalanche –> Milkomeda: AVAX
Fantom –> Milkomeda: FTM
Celer-bridged Token Addresses on Milkomeda:
- USDT: 0x3795C36e7D12A8c252A20C5a7B455f7c57b60283
- USDC: 0x6a2d262D56735DbA19Dd70682B39F6bE9a931D98
- DAI: 0x6De33698e9e9b787e09d3Bd7771ef63557E148bb
- WETH: 0x81ECac0D6Be0550A00FF064a4f9dd2400585FE9c
- WBTC: 0x8d50a024B2F5593605d3cE8183Ca8969226Fcbf8
- BNB: 0x7f27352D5F83Db87a5A3E00f4B07Cc2138D8ee52
- BUSD: 0x4Bf769b05E832FCdc9053fFFBC78Ca889aCb5E1E
- MATIC: 0x8006320739fC281da67Ee62eB9b4Ef8ADD5C903a
- AVAX: 0x86c28C9a6f2DC3C156AA2ad450F0F9d3A5Dec12e
- FTM: 0xc3FEc6F18dDb7583DA572374Ca8d11c6F0590dAe
The integration will extend to a wide spectrum of future multi-chain assets and message bridging support potentials between Milkomeda and other blockchains. Stay tuned for upcoming support news for Milkomeda!
About Milkomeda
Milkomeda delivers EVM compatibility to the leading Layer 1 ecosystems by offering the most popular smart contracting language, Solidity, while enhancing inter-blockchain interoperability, user experience, and developer traction, all at the Layer 2 level.
About Celer Network
Celer Network is the leading inter-blockchain and cross-layer communication platform that facilitates fast, secure, and low-cost cross-chain composability and bridging. Celer’s core applications and middleware like the Inter-chain Message Framework, cBridge, and Layer2.Finance have attracted important blockchain contributors and massive end users in the DeFi, blockchain interoperability, and gaming spaces to build and use inter-chain native applications enabled by the Celer tech suite.