Clover Partnership With Celer Network

A partnership with Clover, Celer Network is excited to announce that we have successfully integrated with Clover’s new EVM-compatible chain upon its launch. The integration has started with USDT, USDC, DAI, WETH, and WBTC bridging between Ethereum and Clover, and will extend to a wide spectrum of future multi-chain asset and message bridging support potentials for between Clover and other blockchains.
Celer-bridged Token Addresses on Clover
DAI: 0x6De33698e9e9b787e09d3Bd7771ef63557E148bb
ETH: 0x81ECac0D6Be0550A00FF064a4f9dd2400585FE9c
USDC: 0x6a2d262D56735DbA19Dd70682B39F6bE9a931D98
USDT: 0x3795C36e7D12A8c252A20C5a7B455f7c57b60283
WBTC: 0x7f27352D5F83Db87a5A3E00f4B07Cc2138D8ee52
Stay tuned for upcoming asset and general message passing support from Celer for Clover!
About Clover
Clover is a one-stop infrastructure platform for cross-chain and decentralized applications. With multi-dimensional products lineup, including Clover Multi-Chain Wallets, Clover dApp Interaction Protocol, Clover Chain EVM and Universal Cross-Chain Support, Clover uniquely positioned itself as “Passport to the Omniverse.”
About Celer Network
Celer Network is the leading inter-blockchain and cross-layer communication platform that facilitates fast, secure, and low-cost cross-chain composability and bridging. Celer’s core applications and middleware like the Inter-chain Message Framework, cBridge, and Layer2.Finance have attracted important blockchain contributors and massive end users in the DeFi, blockchain interoperability, and gaming spaces to build and use inter-chain native applications enabled by the Celer tech suite.