Mintverse to Integrate FIO NFT Signatures and FIO Send to Protect Users from Forgery and Streamline NFT Transfer

FIO has teamed up with Mintverse to integrate FIO NFT Signatures and FIO Send into the Mintverse platform.
Mintverse is a comprehensive NFT aggregator and marketplace, where users can easily create, collect and trade various types of NFT assets. Mintverse allows users to connect their wallets and buy, sell, or mint NFTs on multiple blockchains, currently including Ethereum and BNB Chain. Adding FIO NFT Signatures and FIO Send is another step in improving that user experience.
FIO NFT Signatures protects buyers and sellers of NFTs by giving the creator the ability to sign the NFT using their personalized FIO Crypto Handle. A FIO Crypto Handle replaces that long string public address vulnerable to errors and other exploits with a simple, human-readable address.
The long string public key address is replaced with the FIO Crypto Handle in the format of username@domain or, for example, janedoe@mintverse. NFT creators can now use their own personalized FIO Crypto Handle to sign NFTs which protects buyers and helps sellers by providing a source of authentication that’s easily verifiable on the FIO blockchain.
FIO NFT Signatures works for NFTs minted on all blockchains. Another great feature of NFT Signatures is that it helps to protect permanence of the NFT’s Metadata by storing a hash of it on the FIO blockchain.
ABOUT FIO Protocol
FIO, the Foundation for Interwallet Operability, is a decentralized consortium of blockchain organizations and community members supporting the ongoing development, integration, and promotion of the FIO Protocol.
ABOUT Mintverse
Mintverse is the world’s leading NFT aggregator and marketplace, where users can easily create, collect and trade various types of NFT assets. Mintverse has aggregated liquidity for over millions of NFT assets across ETH and BNB Chain offering users with the best available price.