Genopets Game Elements

Genopets, the world’s first Free-to-Play, Move-to-Earn NFT mobile game on Solana, announced its Game Elements: GENE, KI & The Dual-Token System.
Genopets announced its Game Elements, the dual-token system that separates governance and staking from in-game rewards with GENE and KI Tokens.
Genopets is creating a sustainable move-to-earn game economy built on a dual-token system that gives you choices of how to spend your energy as you move and earn.
The Dual-Token System
Genopets operates on a dual-token system, a model familiar to many play-to-earn gamers. KI and GENE Token each have their in-game utility. As a Habitat owner, you can convert your energy into KI Token every day from your daily activity. You can use GENE Token to craft and terraform NFTs or stake it for rewards.
KI Token
KI Token is an in-game utility token you earn as a Habitat owner as you perform various in-game actions. KI is burned when used and the more Habitats you have, the more KI you can earn per day.
How to earn KI Token?
- Converting Energy earned from banking steps with a Habitat
- Higher KI earning caps for multiple Habitat owners
- Earn a bonus KI Token with a Genesis Habitat.
How to use KI Token?
- Craft and Refine new NFTs in-game
- Terraform new Habitats NFTs
- Speed up crafting times
- Convert KI into Energy to level up your Genopet
GENE Token & sGENE
GENE Token is the governance and staking token you will use, along with KI, to craft in-game items. Players can purchase GENE on exchanges.
How To earn GENE Token?
GENE is rewarded to:
- Seasonal game winners
- Early stakers
How to use GENE Token?
- Stake GENE for governance rights and rewards
- Spend GENE to craft high-level items
- Spend GENE in-game to terraform and upgrade your Habitat
- Spend GENE to participate in Genopets NFT Drops
About Genopets
It’s time to step up your game. Genopets is a free-to-play mobile NFT RPG that turns your real-life daily activity into enchanting gameplay, making it fun and rewarding to live an active lifestyle.