Earn Guild Partners with ECIO Space

Earn Guild has announced partnership with ECIO Space, a play-to-earn action blockchain game where players can own NFT characters and earn ECIO.
Earn Guild will support $ECIO including ECIO Verse, Game Universe, Space Kingdom, and the Space Warriors (Solarian, Andromedian, Sculpian, and Mercenary).
The partnership features many types of NFT’s to play with that involves genomics and improving character skills. The players at Earn Guild are excited to be part of the growing ECIO Verse.
“$ECIO has been a great team to work with. I look forward to strategically growing with ECIO Space and the many opportunities it adds to our Earn Guild community. $EARN players are excited about the different Space Warriors to play with.” –Darren Olney-Fraser, CEO of Earn Guild.
The game takes place in Ecioverse and features different factions. The Solarians, The Andromedians, The Sculpians, and The Mercenaries are the inhabitants of the Ecioverse.
Each upgrade requires 3 of the same NFT card which will merge together. There are 5 ranks; Crewman, Lieutenant, Commander, Captain, and Admiral.
There is also an elemental system attached to weapons and battle suits, they will be a part of three elements; Physical, Bionical, or Radical.
Adventure mode is the PvE-focused story mode where players can play through 48 maps and clear their path by force to move to the next location. Players will encounter a story popup when they reach a location on the map that tells a unique story.
The latest version of the game has a feature where players can purchase a planet, create a personalized Battle Star, and invite other players to tackle more missions together.
About ECIO
Ecio is a Space Battle oriented Blockchain game, featuring an amazing array of unique characters & distinct strategies.
ECIO is filled with fun and exciting gameplay elements & an immersive gaming experience with story-rich gameplay.
As a first in blockchain gaming, they allow players to join forces with a friend and expand your Space Crew from 3 to 6 members. Challenge other crew in the team arena or battle in survival mode to earn more rewards.
ECIO’s goal is to deliver the best gaming experience for players. We focus on the entertainment factors of the gameplay which will reflect in the sustainable economic growth. Through this, ECIO aims to reach a long-term business interest for everyone involved.
About Earn Guild
Earn Guild is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization. Every player holds $EARN tokens, and that gives them power and a voice-over their guild.